The Current State of Counterpact

Hello everybody!

Last Friday, Counterpact was opened to the public through Early Access. Since then, there has been a much larger turnout than I was expecting. It has been fun playing with you all so far, so I want to say thank you for playing! I hope you are enjoying the game, and I hope to continue seeing you all.

With that said, you may have noticed some persistent issues occurring while trying to play (especially today). I just want to make it clear that I am aware of these issues, and they are being worked on. I am asking for your understanding and patience regarding these issues; please keep in mind the game is in Early Access.

  • The official servers have been frequently crashing today. This event was unprecedented, and only started occurring today. I am unable to determine the exact source of these crashes at this time, but I will be switching hosts for the official servers soon. Hopefully, this should make the official servers more reliable, as well as provide myself some insight into why they were crashing to begin with. In the meantime, if an official server crashes again, the best place to notify me is the official Counterpact Discord server.

  • Game servers may send garbage data, resulting in odd behavior or fatal errors on the players' ends. This is a fairly old issue that I thought I fixed before opening the game to the public; apparently it wasn't fixed. This is also a high priority, but this issue doesn't seem to occur as often.

  • "Autobalance" (automatically moving players to team when one team has two or more players than the other team) was previously a low priority, but with the game becoming public, it has become a more pressing issue since many new players seem to not realize there is an imbalance in teams whenever one occurs. Unfortunately, autobalance will not be implemented in the next update, but it will be implemented in the update following that one. For now, please do remember there is a "team deficit" buff that powers up players on the smaller team, so even on a smaller team you will not be defenseless.

The next update is planned for the 24th of October, and will bring a Halloween event along with it, as well as some other balance changes, bug fixes, and quality of life features. That's it for now. Thanks again, everyone!

    - Little Egg Basket